About The Foundation
Created in 2002, The Prosser Charitable Foundation is based Alberta, Canada
And serves Calgary and the surrounding area. The Foundation partners with various
charitable organizations in meeting its objectives of advancing education, working to
relieve poverty and promoting other programs beneficial to the community
specifically aimed at children and youth.
The Prosser Charitable Foundation was formed by Eric and Kathy Prosser to Continue their investment in the Calgary community.
The main program funded by the Foundation is the Parent’s Choice Bursary, which Supports 50% of tuition costs to a maximum of $5,000.00 per student per year, for the children of low-income families to attend private, independent schools.
The Prosser Charitable Foundation, as a private foundation, makes donations to Qualified donees in Calgary and area that focus primarily on children and youth’s Health and educational opportunities. The Foundation supports the following Organizations:
The Prosser Charitable Foundation was formed by Eric and Kathy Prosser to Continue their investment in the Calgary community.
The main program funded by the Foundation is the Parent’s Choice Bursary, which Supports 50% of tuition costs to a maximum of $5,000.00 per student per year, for the children of low-income families to attend private, independent schools.
The Prosser Charitable Foundation, as a private foundation, makes donations to Qualified donees in Calgary and area that focus primarily on children and youth’s Health and educational opportunities. The Foundation supports the following Organizations:
Between Friends | www.betweenfriends.ab.ca |
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Calgary | www.bbbscalgary.com |
Blue Bronna Wilderness Camp | www.bluebronna.org |
Calgary Counselling Centre | www.calgarycounselling.com |
Calgary Food Bank | www.calgaryfoodbank.com |
Calgary Military Family Resource Centre | cfmws.ca/calgary |
Camp Carmangay | www.campcarmangay.ca |
CanLearn | www.canlearnsociety.ca |
Children's Cottage Society | childrenscottage.ab.ca |
Community Kitchen, Calgary | www.ckpcalgary.ca |
Cornerstone Youth Centre | www.cornerstoneyouthcentre.com |
CUPS | www.cupscalgary.com |
Discovery House | www.discoveryhouse.ca |
Evenstart for Children | www.evenstartfoundation.org |
Foothills Academy | www.foothillsacademy.org/camp-amicus |
Habitat for Humanity | www.habitatsouthernab.ca |
Helping Families Handle Cancer | www.helpingfamilieshandlecancer.com |
Hope for Cerebral Society | www.hopeforcerebralpalsy.com |
Instrumental Society of Calgary | www.instrumentalsociety.ca |
JA Southern Alberta | www.jasab.ca |
Kidsport Calgary | kidsportcanada.ca/alberta/calgary |
Kindred Connections Society | www.kindred.ca |
Little Warriors | www.littlewarriors.ca |
Made by Momma | www.madebymomma.org |
Making Changes Association | www.makingchangesassociation.ca |
Mustard Seed | www.theseed.ca |
Prairie Sky Equine Assisted Therapy | www.pseat.ca |
Quest Theatre | www.questtheatre.org |
Safe Haven Foundation | www.safehavenfoundation.ca |
Stephen's Backpacks | www.stephensbackpacks.com |
The Calgary Foundation | calgaryfoundation.org |
The Doorway | www.thedoorway.ca |
The Salvation Army | www.salvationarmy.ca |
Veterans Association Food Bank | veteransassociation.ca |
Youth Central | www.youthcentral.com |
Youth Centres of Calgary (Ogden) | www.youthcentresofcalgary.com |
Youth en Route | www.youthenroute.ca |
If you would like to request more information about our organization, please do not hesitate to contact us.